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Oils as a food supplement

“This works, paws down”

Do you feed your dog barf to keep him thriving, fit and free of health problems? Great choice! However, keep in mind that in addition to meat, bones, offal and vegetables, his diet should not lack healthy fats.


Why to add oils


Vzhledem k tomu, že organismus psa si neumí vytvořit esenciální mastné kyseliny, je nutné je do jídelníčku zařadit. Jsou důležité pro vstřebávání vitaminů, které jsou rozpustné v tucích a v neposlední řadě také pro doplnění stopových prvků a minerálních látek. Ideální je vybírat takové oleje, které obsahují vyvážený poměr omega 3 a 6 nenasycených mastných kyselin – například lososový nebo lněný olej. Ostatní oleje mají různá zastoupení těchto kyselin, proto je vhodné je střídat – a to jak rostlinné, tak živočišné.

What are the other benefits of adding oils to the dog bowl?

- proper digestion and emptying

- promoting coat quality

- prevention of diseases and health ailments

- immunity support

What oils to add?


Linseed oil

It is a rich source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which it also contains in an ideal 3:1 ratio. From a health perspective, it is effective in preventing heart disease, reduces inflammatory reactions in the body and is effective in combating skin problems. It is a great help in excessive shedding and overall poor coat quality. With regular administration, dull and falling hair becomes shiny and high quality.

Salmon oil

Together with linseed oil, it is a supplement that contains a balanced amount of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in a highly absorbable form. It lowers blood cholesterol, supports immunity and has beneficial effects on the coat. If your dog suffers from brittle coat, eczema, dry skin or itchy skin, it is advisable to include this oil in his diet. It is also useful for dogs that are picky eaters and do not have a positive relationship with food, as it improves the taste of the food. Keep in mind, however, that salmon can be an allergen, so it is necessary to test whether the dog will tolerate it well. When choosing an oil, go for one that has been made from wild salmon.

Krill oil

It is obtained from small marine crustaceans (krill) that live in clean Antarctic waters. The great advantage of this oil is that it is not loaded with toxins - heavy metals. It is highly digestible, containing highly digestible proteins, iodine, vitamin D and other minerals. It is used to replenish substances for the proper functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems, brain function, joint nutrition, and to treat skin problems and inflammatory diseases.

Milk thistle oil

The main importance of administering milk thistle oil is to support liver function. It contains an ingredient called silymarin, which helps regenerate liver tissue, detoxifies, removes free radicals and stabilizes cell membranes. It is also an excellent prevention against liver damage, promotes the formation of new liver cells and aids wound healing.

Borage oil

Is one of the richest sources of gamma-linolenic acid. This acid is rarely found in food, so borage oil is a good supplement to meet the body's needs. Gamma-linolenic acid promotes skin health, prevents inflammation, prevents heart disease and supports immunity. In addition, this oil is suitable for dogs that are allergic to animal fats as it does not cause allergic reactions.

Jak oleje dávkovat

I když jsou tuky nepostradatelnou složkou ve výživě psa, jako u všeho platí pravidlo všeho s mírou. Oleje přidávejte do krmiva cca 3-4x týdně s tím, že u jedinců s citlivějším zažíváním je lepší olej do krmiva zařazovat postupně. Každý olej se dávkuje jinak (uvádí výrobce), nicméně obecně platí, že malí psi dostávají od ½ lžičky oleje denně a velká a obří plemena polévkovou lžíci až dvě.

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